Vienna most definitely is a great place to spend your student days…!
With a heap of state and private universities, as well as other academic institutions, the city is the largest student hub in the German speaking region. Vienna accommodates approximately 150.000 students each year.

Generally speaking, all universities are located in easy-to-reach areas of the city and are accessible via public transport. In contrast to the Anglo-American tradition, most of a (public) university’s institutes and lecture halls are not located on a single campus but rather are spread throughout the city.

Below you can find links to all (major) universities in Vienna:

Public Universities

University of Vienna

With over 650 years of experience and annually around 90.000 students in 178 degree programmes and 40 university continuing education and training programmes, the University of Vienna is the largest and most diverse educational institution in Austria.

Where: Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna 
Web: University of Vienna

Medical University of Vienna

Founded in 1365 as a Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna, the Medical University of Vienna (short: MedUni Vienna) today is one of the world’s largest and most renowned medical universities. The annually roughly 8.000 students learn and train in its 26 university hospitals, three clinical institutes, 12 theoretical medicine centres and numerous highly specialised laboratories (including the most cutting-edge biomedicine research institute in Europe).

Where: Spitalgasse 23, 1090 Vienna
Web: Medical University of Vienna

Vienna University of Economics and Business

 The WU Vienna (Wirtschaftsuniversität) is an internationally renowned university of economics and business. The annually over 23.000 students can choose from the WU’s extensive program portfolio (two bachelor’s programs, eight German-taught and seven English-taught master’s programs, and five doctoral and PhD programs) and rest assured that they are studying in one of the world’s top business and economics universities.

Where: Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna
Web: Vienna University of Economics and Business

Vienna University of Technology

With over 200 years of experience, the University of Technology (TU) has earned great national and international acclaim for their varied research. Annually over 28.100 students in 19 bachelor, 21 master, 3 doctoral and various continuing education programmes benefit from the TU’s unique teachings that combine basic and applied research and research-oriented teaching at the highest level. 

Where: Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna
Web: Vienna University of Technology

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences

Vienna’s University for Natural Resources and Life Science (the BOKU) is amongst Europe’s leading universities when it comes to creating sustainable societies and green economies. The over 12.200 students are taught ecological responsibility, how to co-exist with and benefit from nature, and how to sustainably shape our tomorrow in 8 bachelor, 6 english master and 15 german master, as well as 10 doctoral programmes .

Where: Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Vienna
Web: Vienna University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences

University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

The University of Veterinary Medicine is not only the oldest (founded in 1765 by Empress Maria Theresia) such institution in the German speaking world, but also the only academic educational and research institution in Austria that focuses on the veterinary sciences. The 1.300 employees and 2.300 students work and teach/learn on the beautiful campus that also houses Vienna’s biggest animal hospital, in order to fulfil the university’s motto: Responsible teaching, visionary research and ambitious healing.

Where: Veterinärplatz 1, 1210 Vienna
Web: University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

University of Music and Performing Arts

The University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw) in an internationally leading university for studies in music, film, theatre, and other performing arts alongside related academic disciplines. The mdw has been founded in 1817 and currently trains up to 3.000 students in 115 degree programmes and 41 supplementary programmes.

Where: Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna
Web: University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

University of Applied Arts

The University of Applied Arts Vienna‚ the Angewandte, is an internationally acclaimed institution and home to a broad spectrum of art and science, research and teaching. Students and teachers alike combine the creative ideas and energies of visual and media art, design, architecture, aesthetics, art history and the natural and cultural sciences, and foster an interplay of various creative perspectives.

Where: Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna 
Web: University of Applied Arts Vienna

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

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The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, the Bildende, has been a leading European training center for artists for more than 300 years. Furthermore, the Bildende houses two of the most significant Austrian art collections, the Gemäldegalerie (Paintings Gallery) and the Kupferstichkabinett (The Graphic Collection). The university itself offers its 1.400 students a vast variety of courses ranging from painting and sculpture to photography and video, performance and conceptual art, and that also include architecture, scenography and conservation/restoration. 

Where: Augasse 2–6, 1010 Vienna
Web: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

University College of Teacher Education Vienna

The University College of Teacher Education in Vienna (Pädagogische Hochschule Wien, PHW) is one of the largest teacher education universities in Austria. Here, students can experience modern and creative teaching and learning processes, which are offered to all who have chosen to follow the career path of compulsory school or vocational school teacher. At the PHW over 400 lecturers provide high quality teaching to roughly 3.000 students annually.

Where: Grenzackerstraße 18, 1100 Vienna
Web: University College of Teacher Education in Vienna

Private Universities

Modul University Vienna

Modul University Vienna is considered to be Austria’s leading international private university and ranks amongst the world’s 25 top performing universities. The Modul brand stands for more than 100 years of excellence in education and the Modul University offers cutting-edge education in the fields of international management, new media technology, public governance, sustainable development, as well as tourism and hospitality management.

Where: Am Kahlenberg 1, 1190 Vienna
Web: Modul University Vienna

Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna

The Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna (MUK, formerly known as Konservatorium Wien) is a city-based art university that seeks to create cultural values for the future through its tireless research in the fields of music, dance and drama. Dating back to the 1920s and efforts by both private stakeholders and the city of Vienna to provide a wide range of people access to the highest standards of education in the arts and music, the MUK now offers 850 students from all over the world access to artistic education that is contemporary, highly demanding on an international level, but at the same time financially viable and in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Declaration of the European Union.

Where: Johannesgasse 4a, 1010 Vienna
Web: Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna

Sigmund Freud University Vienna

Sigmund Freud University (SFU) is a unique institution that pioneered Psychotherapy Science as an academic programme. The SFU was the first to introduce a university education in psychotherapy where academic and practical aspects work hand in hand and complement each other. Its more than 3.000 students are offered innovative training, student-centered teaching, and the possibility of finding and filling promising research niches. 

Where: Freudplatz 1, 1020 Vienna
Web: Sigmund Freud University

Webster University Vienna

Founded in the US in 1915, Webster University is an American University with a global perspective. The Vienna Campus, Webster Vienna Private University, opened in 1981 and is accredited both in the USA and in Austria. The University focuses on excellence in teaching, the joining of theory and practice, small class sizes, and educating students to be lifelong independent learners prepared to participate in an increasingly international society.

Where: Palais Wenkheim – Praterstraße 23, 1020 Vienna
Web: Webster University Vienna

Fachhochschulen – Universities of Applied Science

University of Applied Science BFI Vienna

The University of Applied Science (FH) BFI Vienna is a university of economics, management and finance. The FH has been offering high quality education for the past 20 years. Applied research is the cornerstone of this university and serves as a basis for all teaching and courses. Another focus lies on practical relevance: research is interdisciplinary, practice- as well as solution-oriented and tries to find ways of dealing with the challenges of tomorrow.

Where: Wohlmutstraße 22, 1020 Vienna
Web: University of Applied Science BFI Vienna

University of Applied Science FH Campus Wien

With almost 7000 students, FH Campus Wien is the largest university of applied sciences in Austria. Students can choose from more than 60 bachelor’s and master’s degree programs and master courses in the departments of Applied Life Sciences, Building and Design, Health Sciences, Applied Nursing Science, Administration, Economics, Security, Politics, Social Work and Engineering.

Where: Favoritenstraße 226, 1100 Vienna
Web: University of Applied Science FH Campus Wien

University of Applied Science Technikum Wien

With 4.400 students the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien is Austria’s only purely technical university of applied sciences. Students can choose between 12 bachelor’s and 18 master’s degree programs, which are offered as full-time, part-time and/or distance study programs. Four degree programs are taught in English. Teaching is based on a solid scientific foundation but is very practice-oriented as well. At UAS Technikum Wien, emphasis is not only placed on providing a high-quality technical education, but also on subjects with a focus on business and personal development.

Where: Höchstädtplatz 6, 1200 Vienna
Web: University of Applied Science Technikum Wien

University of Applied Science WKW

FHWien der WKW, the University of Applied Sciences WKW, is Austria’s leading university of applied sciences for management and communication. Working in close contact with Austrian corporations, the university offers comprehensive and practice-oriented academic programs to over 2,800 students. The 18 bachelor’s and master’s degree programs are tailored to the needs of companies and optimally prepare graduates for their future careers. FHWien der WKW works closely with businesses on numerous projects. Our students must complete an internship, which helps them to put their acquired knowledge into practice.

Where: Währinger Gürtel 97, 1180 Vienna 
Web: University of Applied Sciences WKW

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