Emergency Numbers

On these pages we compiled info on emergency numbers and various useful service lines in Vienna:

The following emergency numbers can be dialled free of charge from any fixed (public and home) or mobile phone in Austria:

 122  Police  Polizei 
 133  Fire brigade  Feuerwehr 
 144  Ambulance  Rettung 
 141  Medical Service  Ärzte-Notdienst 
 120  Roadside Assistance  ÖAMTC Pannenhilfe 

Make sure to use these numbers in case of real emergency only!

Lost and Found

Lost or found something in the street, on a train, or anywhere else? Call the Lost Property Service Hotline at 4000-8091.
The City of Vienna provides a pdf-Folder as well that includes all the necessary information (E.g. Addresses of Municipal District Offices, Info on “Lost Property Boxes” and more) For further information on the Lost Property Service, visit the city website.

Useful Servicelines

A couple of other useful servicelines are listed here as follows:

 Order a Cab  Taxibestellung  31300 or 40100 or 60160 
 Info on Phone#  Rufnummernauskunft  118877 
 Vienna Train Info  Zugauskunft Wien  051717 
 Vienna Airport Info  Flughafeninfo Wien Schwechat  70700 

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